ALWAYS Commercial Grade - (Haddy Inc. uses the highest quality commercial grade valves, manifolds, nozzles, PVC, fittings, etc…)


Valves + Manifolds

  • Commercial grade Hunter or Rain Bird Valves

  • Action manifolds for easy removal / repairs

  • Gravel base for drainage and cleanliness

  • Spray foam sealed around box cuts to reduce erosion entry



  • Hunter or Rain Bird - Drip Valve Assembly:

    • Pressure Reducer

    • Line Filter

  • Commercial grade PVC + fittings

  • 1/2” and 1/4’ Tubing (installed above or below planter bed mulch or rock fill, per customer preference)

  • Proper GPH Emitters (installed directly to each plant base)

  • Stakes

  • (STUBS: customer may elect for a “Stubs Only” installation to allow future DIY drip emitter and tube installation. This is common when customer has not yet selected trees & shrubs to be installed)


  • Commercial grade PVC + fittings

  • Pop-up / Rotor heads available according to specific zone needs

  • Proper GPM zone layout

  • Rotary nozzles / Spray nozzles according to customer preference

    • (preference: Rotary = conserves water up to 70% per zone)